The Untamed Canine Sheltered In The Nativity Scene Welcomed The Arrival of Seven Gorgeous Puppies 

The Untamed Canine Sheltered In The Nativity Scene Welcomed The Arrival of Seven Gorgeous Puppies 

In a place of nativity filled with straw, an untamed canine gave birth to seven puppies, similar to how Mary gave birth to Jesus. This special scene happened in a simple tent in the middle of Palenque, Mexico. This tent had figurines that showed the Nativity story, but something was surprising this time: a pregnant stray dog.

This untamed canine saw the nativity scene as a safe place and decided to have her puppies there. It was a warm and cozy spot compared to the chilly streets. A person named Eric Guzman, who works as a reporter, discovered this heartwarming sight. He found the canine cuddled up with her puppies in the straw. He realized that the dog chose this place because it was the safest and most comfortable spot, she could find to give birth.


The Untamed Canine Sheltered In The Nativity Scene Welcomed The Arrival of Seven Gorgeous Puppies 

Eric was amazed and happy to see that the puppies were safe and warm. He mentioned that even though Palenque is usually warm, it gets cold in December, and dogs often look for shelter. After Eric shared the story, many people from Palenque came to visit the dog and her puppies in the nativity scene. Some even brought food and drinks for them. The local government also got involved and allowed the dog family to stay there for as long as they needed. 


The Untamed Canine Sheltered In The Nativity Scene Welcomed The Arrival of Seven Gorgeous Puppies 

Animal lovers in Palenque are making sure the canine family is taken care of now and in the future. They are also working to find good homes for the puppies. Eric doesn’t think the puppies being born in the nativity scene is a miracle, but he believes it will make people think more about stray dogs. He hopes that instead of buying dogs, people will choose to adopt them from shelters.





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