Meet The Silver-Eared Mesia Bird- A Dreamy Bird Representing Lively Colors

The Silver-eared Mesia Bird

Bird watching is the first love for any birder. You have seen many birders along the boundaries of forests and National Parks just by the sight of birds. Watching them dance, run, fly or perch on the branch of the tree can be the most thrilling experience for birders. 

They are always as passionate as they were on the first nature trail. You can’t deny the fact that every bird is fascinating enough to make you feel that this is the most stunning creature in the world, and this goes on.


There are a great number of species in different colors and striking feathers, we could even barely remember the name of the birds we have seen yet. But some tiny and charming birds remain in our minds forever and this Silver-eared Mesia is one of them.

If you ever have an opportunity to view this charming and impressive bird, then you’d be lost for words at how gorgeous it is!


Look at this Silver-eared Mesia, displaying an array of striking colors.

The Silver-eared Mesia Bird


This Silver-eared Mesia is stunning enough to grab your attention with its radiant colors. They have a black head, yellow bill, and orangish-yellow underparts with striking red wings. The most captivating feature of this bird is its silver ears. 

There are seven subspecies of Silver-eared Mesia, which have a variation in the color of their plumage.


It is native to Southeast Asia and belongs to the Leiothrichidae. 

It can be spotted in several Asian countries including Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the tropical forests of Southern China and India during winter. It is reported that this is a winter migrant of the Nameri National Park in Assam, India for better realms.


Learn about the diet habits of the Silver-eared Mesia.

The Silver-eared Mesia Bird


Their diet is dominated by insects and their larvae, well sometimes they also go for fruits and seeds near the ground. They are not solitary and forage in groups consisting of 30 individuals. 

They are seasonal breeders.


The breeding season of the Silver-eared Mesia starts in August and lasts until November. 

Both males and females build their nests.


It is quite impressive and inspiring at the same time that both the males and females build their nests and line them with dead leaves and fern fibers. Building a nest takes up to 4 days and is placed almost 2 meters up in a bush.

The Silver-eared Mesia Bird


Females lay a clutch of 2-5 eggs.

They lay white and madder-brown spotted eggs in a clutch and both males and females incubate them for 13-14 days. Usually, females incubate the nests during the night.


Silver-eared Mesia is considered as Least Concern on IUCN’s Red List, but they should be protected because they are the treasure offered by nature. Probably by luck, you may get the chance to see them. 

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