After Got Hit By Car, The Dog Was Paralyzed And Dragging On The Street, Begging For Food And Shelter For Months

After Got Hit By Car, The Dog Was Paralyzed And Dragging On The Street, Begging For Food And Shelter For Months

Stray dogs don’t get the love and affection they deserve, and they have to struggle every day for life. Sometimes just surviving also becomes a task. We stumbled upon a moving story of a dog who got hit by a car and paralyzed after that. Life became more difficult for her when she had to drag himself on the street, begging for food and help for several months. 

She had nothing more than cars to save herself from cold, heat, and rain. There was a grill fence that became a roof over her head during her hard days. She was lucky when someone offered her food, but when she hadn’t had anything to eat, she had to drag her legs far distances to scavenge for something to eat. They rescued her and brought her to the vet. Veterinarians examined her carefully and did her X-rays for ortho issues. 


After Got Hit By Car, The Dog Was Paralyzed And Dragging On The Street, Begging For Food And Shelter For Months

Rescuers named her Onna and kept her in a shelter home. She was advised to have therapies, medications, and massages to cure her limp. During therapy, she was also taught to walk and stand on her own. They were getting a little headway as she began to stand for short moments. Onna was a brave dog, she was given a bad deal in her life, maltreated, and also hurt by humans, but she made her way out of that.  


After Got Hit By Car, The Dog Was Paralyzed And Dragging On The Street, Begging For Food And Shelter For Months

There are a few merciless people who hurt dogs just for their fun and enjoyment. Onna was lucky that she was rescued and going to have a life where she would get all the love and care that she was deprived of yet. 


Therapies resulted positively and Onna began to walk on her own. We are thankful for the rescue team and the ones who supported Onna during her journey. I pray for the day she will run and enjoy herself with other dogs.




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